“A modern take on the zine, Los Angeles showcases the
city through the lens of photographer Scott Pilgrim.
Featuring essays, photos and a look into the artist’s ongoing
series Dark Architecture, or ‘Murder Houses’ and more.”
Originally sold through PALINDROME
Select images from 2015 - 2019
Hand-numbered edition of 50
Perfect Bound Book
Soft Cover, 6” x 8.25”
Full Colour
80 Pages
July 2021
Front & Back Covers ︎︎︎

Introduction ︎︎︎
This book is a few different things.
My original intent was to make a zine with b-sides, by now it’s somewhere between diary and a collection of my favourite photos of LA. So, we’ll call it a book.
The photographs I’ve selected for this project are a catalogue of my time spent in Los Angeles from 2015 - 2019. These photos are also part of a bigger story. Chapter one in the beginning of a new platform for sharing work with more context than the usual character limit permits.
There’s no particular order to how the photographs have been displayed, though I certainly tried my best to pair them up in an attractive manner. Occasionally they share a theme outside the overarching idea of LA.
Most notably included is my ongoing series Dark Architecture, or Murder Houses (I’m still working on the name), which I hope to grow and eventually compile into a show. The series on the surface, is meant to investigate the importance of context. It also looks at our collective obsession or reaction to objects or places that possess an inherently evil energy, whether true or projected.
Taking reference from John Pawson’s A Visual Inventory, I share a quote from architect Luis Barragán, “Don’t ask me about this building or that one. Don’t look at what I do. See what I saw”.
Thanks Luis.
Product Shots ︎︎︎

Select Spreads ︎︎︎

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